112: Just Do Something

Hey everyone! How’s your holidays so far? Have you made cookies yet? Anyone made potato chips? I tried. Didn’t work out the way I had planned though. I wanted to chat a bit about something personal here. Maybe you can relate. Maybe not. But it might be something you are battling too. Also, can you believe I once paid $11 to see Van Halen live? Those were the days, kids. See you next week.

111: I’m About To Lose Control And I Think I Like It

It’s Monday and we’re heading into the holidays at full speed. Is it too early for decorations? I think I’m going to go with it. And in the spirit of that, I request you embark on a journey with me in 2025. Up for it? Let’s see if we can. Listen and I’ll explain. Be back Thursday.

109: Finding My Footing

It’s the post-election episode and I discuss coping. Surviving. Even thriving, if we dare. How you doing? I’m taking a bit of a social media sabbatical. Backing off the news too. What are your plans for moving through the political fray? Maybe you could become at artist. A guy in Italy just sold fruit taped to a canvas for a ridiculous amount of money. Maybe I should try that. See you soon, y’all!

84: Not Dead

Black Death

Back from holiday vacation! How is everyone? 2024 is okay so far. A few pains here and there but what do you expect with an old guy? So far this year I’m encountering pig dogs, “Diff’rent Strokes” conspiracies, fish and chips at Irish pubs and getting stabbed on New Year. Also, I have proof that we don’t really die. Anything else? ‘K, good. Here’s to a good podcast year!

70: Adulting Gone Wrong

70 Adulting Gone Wrong

Hi my friends, welcome to a middle-of-the-week show. Last week was a busy one. I did a lot of the things I discussed on the show. Said goodbye to a kitty, told some ghost stories, saw naked breasts on the streets of Atlanta. All the normal stuff. This week I’m into the fairy tales of holidays, social media bully posting and the ongoing failure of adults to be good adults. You know, all the normal stuff. Hope your life story is going well. Reach out and let me know. See y’all next week!