108: Small Penis Fart Dude

Hey, it’s a short show.  Second time in a row this podcast has referenced genitalia. What am I becoming?? Getting a chest cold. Halloween is coming up. Just wanted to check and make sure you are doing ok? Hope you get good candy in your Trick or Treat bag.

103: Saved By Magnesium

This week I’m wondering about dating for older people. I don’t know why. I’m not needing to date. But I suppose I’m just looking out for the elderly. Where are the best places to date? How are older people even making frends? I want to know this stuff. I’ve started planning for Halloween, folks. I’m planning on a Halloween story epidode of the podcast. Get ready for it and let me know if you’d like to participate. I’m still experiencing a bit of creative crisis. I will say, though, that I’ve discovered a secret about the creative life I’ll share with you. It’s mostly free. And fun. Those are always good things. See you next week.

72: Psychic Dogs And Cats With Frogs

Psychic Dogs

Halloween is over but I’m being held hostage by my leftover candy! This is not good. Someone come rescue me! So, I’m pretty sure my dog knows my every move before I make them. Scary. Hey, I got in trouble this week by Facebook for posting a picture of a Facebook ad. How does that even make sense?? And yet… Well, I discuss a controversial topic on this episode. It’s about bodies and boobs and nakedness and stuff. Don’t get mad. We’re adults. Let’s talk about it, okay? I’ll see you again in a few days, friends.

71: The Story of Red Dog Road

On this episode I discuss how and why I wrote my latest horror story, “The Specter of Red Dog Road.” Then I attach a reading of the story for your Halloween haunted season entertainment. Hope you enjoy it. See you Thursday!

70: Adulting Gone Wrong

70 Adulting Gone Wrong

Hi my friends, welcome to a middle-of-the-week show. Last week was a busy one. I did a lot of the things I discussed on the show. Said goodbye to a kitty, told some ghost stories, saw naked breasts on the streets of Atlanta. All the normal stuff. This week I’m into the fairy tales of holidays, social media bully posting and the ongoing failure of adults to be good adults. You know, all the normal stuff. Hope your life story is going well. Reach out and let me know. See y’all next week!