103: Saved By Magnesium

This week I’m wondering about dating for older people. I don’t know why. I’m not needing to date. But I suppose I’m just looking out for the elderly. Where are the best places to date? How are older people even making frends? I want to know this stuff. I’ve started planning for Halloween, folks. I’m planning on a Halloween story epidode of the podcast. Get ready for it and let me know if you’d like to participate. I’m still experiencing a bit of creative crisis. I will say, though, that I’ve discovered a secret about the creative life I’ll share with you. It’s mostly free. And fun. Those are always good things. See you next week.

97: This Podcast Sucks

Hi folks! Welcome to episode 97 of the Outta Toon Podcast! We’ll soon be at our 100th show! This week I give an update on life events, look at some strange people and happenings around the world and discuss how we are all artists. I was told this week that the podcast sucks, which most of us already know, so I tried to make this one extra sucky. Let me know if it worked. See you next week, friends.

Sharing A Birthday Cigar

Well, I told you I would share a birthday cigar with you and here it is! Come hang out with me as my birthday winds down.

95: What I’ve Learned

Greetings everyone! Welcome to episode 95 of the Outta Toon Podcast! We’re speeding quickly toward episode 100 and I’m ready for it how about you? As I prepare to celebrate my birthday in a couple weeks I reflect on just what the heck I’ve done over my life. What have I accomplished? What have I learned? I’ve come to realize recently that I’ve only learned one thing about life. I think it is the actual “Secret of Life!” Fortunately, I share my knowledge in this very episode so you can now know it too. Sorry the episode is a bit long but it’s the secret to life, people! What did you expect?? Geez. See you again soon.

92: This Too Shall Pass

A return visit from pain has slowed me down the past few days but at this point everything seems to be looking up. I have new understandings about the body and also about who I am. Okay, yeah, this show is a bit metaphysical. Maybe a little spiritual. Not in a bad way, though. I’m having a cold one on this St. Patrick’s Day, how about you? Erin go Bragh!