81: Hay, It’s Christmas!
This week I revisit an old discussion on the best Christmas tartans. Always good for discussion at holiday time. Additionally, I discuss girl apartment smells, nostalgic Christmases and making a difference in small ways. Things that seem worthy of attention at this festive season. Thanks for checking out the show. Reach out and say “hi” some time.
80: Nog For Your Noggin’
Hi friends! Speaking of friends, how are yours? Friends, I mean. Do you have any who are difficult to deal with? Is it time to consider cutting them loose? Sometimes it’s worth evaluating. I’m enjoying a bit of eggnog so I decided to do an eggnog show. History of the nog, making the nog and spiking the nog. Now go have a cup of that sweet, fatty elixir. Weird, that was my old college nickname. See you Thursday.
79: A Chat With Mike Faber
Today I sit down for a little chat with our good friend Mike Faber of the ESO Network. We discuss podcasting, live concerts, The Monkees and much more. A really fun chat! Give it a listen.
78: Namaste Is As Namaste Does
Welcome to a new week, friends! I checked out the film “Killers Of The Flower Moon” this week. Give it a look if you like disgusting characters who make everyone’s life hell. Kind of like me with this podcast. I was thinking about significant moments in my life like when I became a man and when I was (basically) told I couldn’t sing. No one else knew how significant those moments were but I still knew. Also, I have to face the fact that I suck at the basics of spirituality. Maybe I should just give it up. I dunno. I’ll probably keep trying. Interview show with Mike Faber coming up Thursday. It’s a good one. Don’t forget about it. See you then.
77: Digesting
The day after Thanksgiving and I’m still dealing with my gluttonous holiday activities, how about you? Not as bad as previous years but, crap, I still got work to do. This year for the holidays we get a feud between Hall and Oates, which of course we were all looking forward to. So, how about we just get into a discussion of weird religions? Why not? It’s something that can bring us all together this festive season. Hey, gang, hit me up if you need stickers. Hit me up if you need a chat. Just hit me up. See you next week.
76: Death Angels We Have Heard on High
‘Twas the Tuesday before Thanksgiving… Got your dinners all planned out? I asked you what your favorite non-traditional Thanksgiving meal is and I got several interesting responses. Me? I’ll stick with the traditional tofu molded into a turkey. I was reading a bit about sea angels last week and thought I’d share a little about these freaky mollusks. Maybe you’ll want to put one on top your tree this year! Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! I’ll talk with you on Friday.
75: I’m Not the Turkey, You’re the Turkey!
Welcome, friends, to the new, old, Outta Toon Podcast! Hope you enjoy your stay! Today, I’m planning a holiday dinner menu, planning a substantial haircut and planning on never watching Hallmark Christmas movies again. Yeah. Good luck with that. Let’s discuss air travel and the destruction of expensive guitars and how to de-escalate conflicts at your family Thanksgiving gathering. I’m not an expert at any of those things but I’m an old white guy and I’m allowed to pontificate about things I know absolutely nothing about, right? Do me a favor and share the podcast this week. It really helps. See you next week!
74: Making Light
It’s a new week! A new day! A new podcast name! Huh? Yeah, so “Apocaleptic” is now the “Outta Toon Podcast.” Don’t be scared. It won’t hurt you. Listen to the show and let me explain. I’m dealing with dog poop issues. Also, I’m wearing women’s clothes. This is how my week is starting, how about yours? We’re in the middle of the Diwali celebration. Did you know? If you don’t know much about Diwali, here, let someone who also doesn’t know much about Diwali explain it to you. It’ll be like political talk at my house on Thanksgiving. Thanks for listening my friends. Reach out and say “hello” this week. I’ll see you Thursday.
73: Anniversary
Hi friends! Welcome to the 1 Year Anniversary of Apocaleptic! Woah! Holy Crap! How did this happen! I want to think everyone for hanging out with me for a year. As a reward, I’m going to make the show EVEN BETTER! You’ll notice some new additions and tweaking of the old very soon. And by “old” I mean me. I’ll be tweaking myself. It’s how I celebrate. Seriously, thanks for taking time out to listen to this thing. You’re amazing. I’ll see you again very soon!
72: Psychic Dogs And Cats With Frogs
Halloween is over but I’m being held hostage by my leftover candy! This is not good. Someone come rescue me! So, I’m pretty sure my dog knows my every move before I make them. Scary. Hey, I got in trouble this week by Facebook for posting a picture of a Facebook ad. How does that even make sense?? And yet… Well, I discuss a controversial topic on this episode. It’s about bodies and boobs and nakedness and stuff. Don’t get mad. We’re adults. Let’s talk about it, okay? I’ll see you again in a few days, friends.