3: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes


Thanks to everyone for downloading and subscribing to Apocaleptic! Please tell your friends! Share it on social media! This week I have a coffee scoop crisis, I give a few tips on how to make things a little easier in life by keeping one thing in mind and I provide some 3 and 3 for the special listeners. Thanks again! Get in touch! Call the Listener Line! Interact!

2: Making Millions

There are a lot of glitches that happen in a new podcast. Like when the dumbass podcast host can’t pronounce the name of the show. I don’t know what happened to my brain when I was calling the show “Apocaleptica” at the beginning of the episode. Hopefully that won’t happen again. On this episode I discuss rich young YouTubers, marijuana, Powerball winning and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. A lot of stuff for a second show. Whoo, I gotta slow down!

1: Premiere! What I Did On My Summer Vacation

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Welcome to the premiere episode of Apocaleptic. Let me explain what this podcast is about and why I’m doing it. Also, hear all of the craziness that was my summer! Good to see you here and I’m glad to be back.