31: Be Quiet


I’ve been hearing strange tones in my bed. Could it be a space creature? It’s been making me wonder what it sounds like in outer space. Is it completely silent? Is there space wind? The sounds of astroids colliding? Weird bed tones? How much is the silence inside us similar to space silence? I wonder. Maybe too much. Hope you like this Friday show.

30: Fooling Around

Can pineapple heal your eyes? a study in Taiwan shows a 70% improvement in some cases! Speaking of pineapple, a 2020 study shows many couples are beginning to change their relationship status from”monogamous” to “non-monogamous.” Are you ready to make the switch? I checked with AI to find out how to keep a relationship working. This AI kid really seems to know something. See you next time friends!

29: Your Greatest Fears

29 Your Greatest Fears

Do we inherit the loves and fears we have? You know, the deep down unexplainable attractions and repulsions in life that we all have. Where do they come from? Are they really ours or are they ancestral? Do you ever feel bad about treating yourself like royalty? Well, you shouldn’t. In fact, you should be doing that much more often! You’re looking good out there my friend. Come on back Monday.

28: Blue Glow

Blue Glow

Happy Monday, friends! It’s my wife’s birthday today. She’s one of the most giving people I know. A true server. She puts me to shame. What kind of birthday present do you buy for a server? It’s not easy. I’ve decided to tell a story that I’ve been holding in for 30 years. But realize it doesnt make me look very good. Still, it must be told, so hold off on the judgements, okay? See you next time, peoples.

27: Cool Story, Bro!

27 Cool Story, Bro!

My eyes are no better but I gotta get used to it. Gonna be the way things are from now on. I’ll just relax. Maybe I’ll listen to my newest favorite ASMRtist. That always help. I’m performing at a storytelling event this weekend. Which me think of stories. What is the single defining story of your life? Do you have one? Should you make one up? Here’s mine. Talk to you next week, friends!

26: Eyes Without A Face

Another short show, friends. And not because I wanted it that way. I had an eye appointment today and my eyes are dilated and I can’t see crap! So I can’t read notes or news stores, might as well just complain, right?? Sorry. Thursday’s show is gonna be great. I’ll finally be able to see.

25: Losing It

25 Losing It

A short Thursday show for you, my friends. Ever have one of those days where you just think you might lose it? So what do you do? Me? I just record a Thursday podcast. See you on Monday, everyone.

24: It’s Not Me It’s You

Hi friends! Hope your week is off to a good start. I have an idea of how to deal with the damage Van Halen did to me when I was younger. Tell me if you think it’s a good idea. And speaking of good ideas, I’ve been thinking of a new, radical way to approach relationships. Although maybe it’s only new and radical to me. Maybe everyone else has been doing this all along. Perhaps I’m the last big jerk. Well, crap.

23: Forgive Me

I’m concerned about my neighbor. Haven’t seen her in awhile. Has she met with foul play? How would I know? Should I call the cops? Maybe it’s nothing and I’ll look like a meddler. I don’t know what the rules are. I heard someone talk about forgiveness and it caused me to think about it a bit. I’m wondering if we all understand forgiveness at all. Forgive me if you do. See you Monday.

Episode 22 The Video

Episode 22 is the first video episode. What do you think? Should there be more?