15: I’d Like to Thank the Little People

Apocaleptic 15 Little People

The holidays are mostly done! Have you enjoyed them? I often wonder what it’s like for people who have no religious connection to any of the holidays being forced to encounter them. Also, why is it all of the big movie bosses seem to have little people as their labor force? Santa, Willy Wonka, Keebler Cookies? Where is the logic? I’m not making resolutions this year but I do have a couple of goals. One in particular which I think is very restricting. Maybe you’ll make it a goal too. Thanks for listening everyone!

14: Lubricating the Pole

Apocaleptic 14 Lubricating the Pole

This is the last show before Christmas. Is it our Christmas episode?? Nah, I don’t think there is a proper Christmas episode this year. Nonetheless, I discuss Santa Claus and becoming an unbeliever. Also, you probably don’t know everything you really need to know about the North Pole. So, in honor of the big fat man, here are some facts for you. Geez, I really shouldn’t talk about myself that way, should I? Merry Holidays everyone!

13: In Your Face, Kringle!

Apocaleptic 13 In Your Face, Kringle

Happy Christmas and Hanukkah week, everyone! Today I demonstrate the difference in “knowing something” and “learning something.” I learned a lesson in a Christmas carol that I’m not really fond of but it taught me something pretty valuable. Hope you’re feeling well this season. Hope you’re doing well. As always reach out and say “Hi” if you feel the need! Enjoy!

Apocaleptic is a solo podcast recorded in Atlanta and hosted by Rick Baldwin.
Subscribe and download every place you get podcasts.

12: Because I Could Not Stop For Death with Guest Maria Fernandez

Apocaleptic 12 Stop For Death

In this episode I bring in a special guest to discuss death. We try not to be too morbid about the whole thing, but Maria just went through the death of her mom and has some valuable experience and advice to share. Plus, she’s my wife and it was fun having her in the studio. Hopefully, no one else has to die before she comes back.

Apocaleptic is a solo podcast recorded in Atlanta and hosted by Rick Baldwin.
Subscribe and download every place you get podcasts.

11: Trashing Old Stuff

Aocaleptic 11 Trashing Old Stuff

Today I had a small panic attack about boxes of old stuff. We all have to confront our old stuff at some point and figure out if we’re going to trash it or keep it stored somewhere. I think it’s time for me to confront some bad habits I’ve developed. Can it be that real people are more valuable than protecting my own ego? Holy crap, how can that be true? I send out my first album reviews in this episode. Christmas albums by Amanda Shires and Billy Idol come under the examination spotlight. Hope your holidays are going well, my friends. Keep in touch!

Apocaleptic is a solo podcast recorded in Atlanta and hosted by Rick Baldwin.
Subscribe and download every place you get podcasts.

10: The Earl of Sandwiches

Apocaleptic 10 The Earl Of Sandwiches

Full disclosure: I recorded this entire episode in 20 year old pants. I think back, fondly, on my dad’s Little Debbie cravings and wonder if there is something in the DNA. My own cravings have recently been pulling me toward sandwiches. I whip out some 3 and 3 for your morning entertainment. Please subscribe to the podcast if you haven’t already. Share it with your friends. Contact me. Reach out to the Listener Line. Engage!